Your year end generosity will make an impact locally, regionally and internationally
as the life and message of Jesus transforms hearts, homes and cities.

As the 2024 calendar year is wrapping up, we here at Triumph are excited about our annual Project Be a Blessing campaign! Is there a better way to end the year than to make a difference in the lives of others and build the Kingdom of God? We have prayerfully selected a few ways we believe you can make a spiritual investment locally and around the world.

How can you participate this year?

How can you participate this year? Would you consider a “Double Up December?” For this one month, would you consider doubling your regular giving, with the additional gift directed towards Project Be a Blessing? Your end of the year gift to Project Be a Blessing will focus on these three incredible opportunities:

Flood Support for our Adopted People in Chad, Africa

Our adopted people group in Chad, Africa is in need! After a record-breaking hot season, a record-breaking rainy season brought devastating flooding to Chad.  The United Nations has confirmed over 500 dead with over 210,000 homes collapsed. More than the devastation to homes and communities, is the devastation to crops. Over 850,000 acres have been destroyed and nearly 70,000 head of cattle were drowned. In an agricultural economy, having your fields and livestock wiped out means no income and food until next year’s harvest, forcing you to pay expensive prices for grain at the market. Our first $10,000 raised will be directed to Lutheran Brethren International Missions Family Relief Fund to be used to purchase Food, tarps, blankets, mosquito nets, and other necessities that are needed for communities to be rebuilt.
The first $10,000 raised will accomplish this goal!

Triumph Hospitality

What makes a house a home? Well, many things … but food certainly helps! Get this: At Triumph, we serve over 16,500 meals per year! Yes, you read that right, over 16,500 meals!! That’s a lot of food, coffee, and lemonade! It’s also a lot of tables, chairs, plates, kitchen equipment, and serving equipment. Through Project Be a Blessing, it is our desire to refresh, replace, and expand what is necessary to continue being a church that practices hospitality. We want to continue making the House of the Lord a home where his church dwells. The next $12,000 raised will work to build up this fund to warmly welcome family and friends at Triumph.

The mission and ministry of Triumph in our local community

Once we have fully funded the first two priorities, we will invest the remainder of our year-end giving internally. Hearts and homes are being transformed by the life and message of Jesus, right here in our cities through the ministry of Triumph! Hundreds of people, of all ages, are connecting in small group settings to grow in their knowledge, and love, of Jesus Christ, and nearly 1,000 are gathering in weekly worship. Project Be a Blessing serves as a blessing to ensure ministries continue, and hearts, homes, and cities hear the good news of Jesus!

Between now and December 31, would you prayerfully consider how God might lead you to give an above and beyond gift to Project Be a Blessing? Maybe this December, you could participate in a Double Up December …  maybe doubling your gift is a little more than you could give this year … maybe you could give even more! However the Lord leads, we’d encourage you to make your gift either online, on our app, or in a worship service. Simply indicate the gift is for Project Be a Blessing and the office will direct the funds accordingly.

Thank you for considering expanding your generosity in this way. Together, we can make an exponential impact on so many lives as we close out 2024!

How to Give:

We have made it simple to give online - simply click the button below!

Give in person at one of our campuses on a Sunday morning or through the mail with a Check!

You can drop a check in the offering receptacles at either campus or send it in the mail.

Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church
2901 20th St S. Moorhead, MN 56560

*The church offices will be closed between Christmas and the end of the year.
**Checks postmarked by 12/31 will count toward 2024 charitable giving.

Perhaps the Lord has blessed you over these past years with non-cash blessings, such as assets or stocks.
If you feel the Lord’s leading to use them for Project Be a Blessing, please contact our Executive Director of Operations who would be pleased to talk with you regarding a transfer to Triumph. You can email Travis Reimche.

At Triumph we are so grateful to know the gift of God in Jesus,
and we believe that nothing matters more than pointing people to Jesus.

Thanks so much for considering your involvement in Project Be A Blessing!